LightSpeed Ravenna Update 3
Hello LightSpeeders,
We're coming down the wire on the expansion facility (pun intended). This expansion has ran into several supply chain issues, vastly more than we could have imagined, and we appreciate the patience and kindness shown by our awesome customer base!
We've had some customers asking, what in particular we've had issue acquiring to finish up. The worst offenders are electrical panels, and cable tray pieces (elbows) which together has managed to derailed us finishing up for more than 2 months. Fortunately since the last post we we've been successful in getting in the rest of the missing cable tray pieces and thus far we've had success getting panels in, slowly but we've been able to get what we need so that the electricians do not have to stop.
Right now we've finished up all inspections (and passed) aside from the final electrical inspection which we expect to be finished this month.
It's also important to note that as of right now, Phase 1 of the expansion is filled. We have additional slots coming on board each month once we go live and it will be first-come-first-serve.
Our electricians have said they believe we can be live and running this month if there's no delays on getting final electrical inspection scheduled etc.
Thank you again for all the support and reservations for the expansion space, we're excited to get live and finally be past this frustrating time.
The LightSpeed Team