Staging & Development Moved!
After 11 months, thousands of man hours and plenty of cash, LightSpeed Hosting, is just a few weeks away from opening. The last week o...
POSTED BY Joshua IN GENERAL ONTagged by: data center
Staging & Development Moved!
After 11 months, thousands of man hours and plenty of cash, LightSpeed Hosting, is just a few weeks away from opening. The last week o...
POSTED BY Joshua IN GENERAL ONThe outdoor infrastructure is getting underway. Outside we have a new transformer pad, generator and ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) pad, along with new natural gas run from the main just for...
POSTED BY Joshua Holmes IN GENERAL ONWell folks, we're getting close now to really entering a phase where we can starting running high voltage, UPS, network conduit etc. New doors are being hung, stained etc.
Along with f...